L’imprimante 3D, star du salon des nouvelles technologies de Las Vegas

le-13-heures-du-9-janvier-2014-l-imprimante-3d Grâce à cette révolution technologique, chacun pourra bientôt fabriquer chez soi des objets de la vie courante grâce aux imprimantes 3D, désormais abordables financièrement. Explications de Fabrice Collaro et Sylvain Roland, nos envoyés spéciaux au CEShttp://www.wat.tv/embedframe/244493chuPP3r11078755Source: Videos.tf1.fr

MakerBot Is Changing The World at CES 2014

MakerBot-Replicator It was an inauspicious beginning. At the MakerBot event last night at CES 2014 the intro music tended towards soft hard rock. On the plate was a lilting guitar anthem by the Foo Fighters and then a song by Incubus, Pardon Me. So pardon me while I burst into flames. Luckily, nothing did. Instead, as I sat in […]

Big 3D Printing Needs To Stop The Bullying

elasto_3d_print_shapeways Stratasys, one of the two giants in the 3D printing market (the other is 3DSystems), is on a roll. This summer it bought one of the biggest and beloved home 3D-printer makers, MakerBot, and watched its printers churn out the first 3D-printed gun. Now it’s back in the news for suing printer reseller Afinia for infringing on its patents. […]

Occipital Raises $1M On Kickstarter To Bring 3D Scanning To The Masses

Occipital App Boulder & SF-based startup Occipital is probably still best known for its Red Laser and 360Panorama apps, but it confirmed today that it raised over $1 million on Kickstarter to bring its Structure 3D sensor to market. The Structure isn’t just any 3D sensor though. It’s an incredibly small one – so small, in fact, that it can […]